Bizzmine and VARIO join forces in the digitization of Quality, Safety and Environment (QMS - QHSE)

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BizzMine and VARIO join forces in the digitization of Quality, Safety and Environment (QMS - QHSE)

Bizzmine and VARIO join forces in the digitization of Quality, Safety and Environment (QMS - QHSE)

Jan. 30th, 2023

Kortrijk and Zottegem, January 30, 2023 - Bizzmine and VARIO (Incerta) today announce their collaboration. Investment company Fortino Capital acquired a significant stake in Bizzmine early last year and now supports this merger. The 3 parties have big plans and strongly believe in the synergy of quality management software and safety software. With 900 customers in more than 40 countries, Flanders has gained an ambitious digital player that plays a leading role in the QHSE market.


The need is high

In times of uncertainty, the demand for QHSE (Quality Health Safety Environment) software is high. Proper tracking of complaints, monitoring quality in the transportation of medicines, reducing industrial accidents, correctly complying with environmental legislation, or obtaining ISO certificates... These are just some of the applications that Bizzmine and VARIO bring to the market. Users of Bizzmine and VARIO users are not only covering risks better, but also strongly increasing transparency and efficiency of their organization.


Perfect synergy

Together, the two Flemish companies form an ideal software tandem. Bizzmine is a digital platform for quality management (QMS) that enables organizations to centralize and manage all data related to complaints, audits, documents, training, etc. VARIO is a trendsetter in software for the management of safety, prevention and well-being in the workplace and facilitates the acquisition and maintenance of a VCA or ISO certificate. With their combined knowledge and experience, they can now address a wide range of sectors and respond to the growing demand for a SaaS solution for Quality and Safety Management.


Strong together, 1+1+1=5

Since Fortino Capital joined Bizzmine less than a year ago, the team has experienced the positive dynamics of this collaboration. The growth acceleration immediately became concrete and international, the enthusiasm and confidence of the employees are increasing, and great progress is being made in sales, marketing, HR, corporate structure, reporting, etc.

As of today, Fortino's experience and know-how will be further applied to actively support the expansion of the united team. To continue the growth, the current team of 60 employees will be significantly increased.

Chris Heyndrickx, Managing Director VARIO: "By joining forces with Bizzmine, a complementary QMS company, and partnering with Fortino as a strategic investment company, we are positioning ourselves for unprecedented international growth in the QHSE market. This powerful combination will enable us to offer a broader range of innovative solutions, expand our reach into new markets, and provide unparalleled customer support. In this way, we will not only grow our QHSE business, but also revolutionize the industry and seek to shape the future of QHSE together."

Chris Heyndrickx, Managing Director VARIO

Peter De Brabandere, Founder Bizzmine: "With VARIO joining Bizzmine, our solid growth story gets a big boost. The market is increasingly demanding solutions for integrated management systems, which we can now offer perfectly together. We also complement each other very well in terms of solutions for specific industries. We want to use our experience in international expansion to open up new markets at home and abroad with a broader product portfolio. Our goal is to become a leading European player in the coming years."

Peter De Brabandere, Founder BizzMine

Jeroen Van Godtsenhoven, Partner at Fortino Capital: "The merger of Bizzmine and VARIO is a step that supports our goal of becoming a leader in the QHSE market. The focus on Quality, Safety and Environment is increasing, and we are taking that opportunity. Bizzmine and VARIO are leaders in their fields and Fortino is excited to put its shoulders to the wheel."

Jeroen Van Godtsenhoven, Partner at Fortino Capital

About VARIO (Incerta)

Since 2008, Incerta BV has been operating as an IT and consulting firm focused on enterprise security policy consulting and software support. In a unique way, the team has translated its knowledge and experience with healthcare systems into a standard QHSE software package VARIO that evolves with the needs of the market. Today, more than 500 companies are already working with VARIO, including government institutions, multinationals, and SMEs. Some examples are Alheembouw, Vandersanden or the Flemish Government. For more information


About Bizzmine

Founded in 1995 as Vivaldi Software, Bizzmine develops Cloud and web-based quality management and workflow software. The platform helps customers to better track complaints, incidents, risks, documentation, audits, calibrations, improvement actions, training, etc. Bizzmine has a global presence through its diversified customer base in 40 countries and local offices in Europe, the U.S., the U.K., and Asia. Companies using Bizzmine software include H.Essers, Oatly, Carbogen Amcis, Kloeckner. For more information please visit


About Fortino Capital

Fortino Capital is an investment company focused on B2B software and ICT. Our mission is to help ambitious management teams realize their growth plans. We invest in young companies (venture capital) and established companies (growth capital) where growth is an essential part of the strategy. Fortino has offices in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany and invests in Northwest Europe. Fortino's previous investments include People Intouch, VanRoey, Odin Group, Teamleader, Efficy CRM, SigmaConso, Cenosco, Mobilexpense, iObeya, etc.

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