
Conversational AI
Franz Fodéré
Franze Fodéré, CEO
Franze Fodéré, CEO

Investment Date: May 2021

Zaion’s AI technology automates the processing of high-volume conversations to improve customer relations. In this way Zaion helps its clients to meet today’s customer expectations while reducing their contact center costs by up to 30%. Zaion's ambition is to revolutionize the customer experience through Voice and Artificial Intelligence, i.e. Conversational AI.

Zaion’s callbot puts “Voice” back at the heart of the customer experience, enhanced with AI. It has the most advanced cognitive capabilities on the market with models developed for every industry and thus allows the automation of many use cases in many verticals (insurance and financial services, utilities, telco, public service, real estate).

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May. 26th, 2021

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