Fortino Capital Partners invests in Bizzmine to accelerate the growth of this specialist in Quality Management software

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Fortino Capital Partners invests in BizzMine to accelerate the growth of this specialist in Quality Management software

Fortino Capital Partners invests in Bizzmine to accelerate the growth of this specialist in Quality Management software.

Mar. 25th, 2022

Kortrijk, March 21, 2022 - Fortino Capital Partners, a Benelux-based growth investor in B2B software, today announces its investment in Bizzmine, the software for Quality Management developed by Vivaldi Software. This West-Flemish company, headquartered in Kortrijk, has offices in the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, the United States and Singapore. More than 350 customers and 75,000 users worldwide benefit from the advantages of this quality management software.

Vivaldi Software has been developing a digital platform for quality management since the 1990s. Bizzmine is the latest generation of software in this series and differs from previous versions because the web-based software is available both in the Cloud and on your own server. Thanks to this QMS (Quality Management Software) platform, customers can centralize and manage all data related to complaints, audits, documents, training, etc. Bizzmine targets a wide range of industries and in particular regulated sectors such as pharmaceuticals, medical devices, logistics, food, biotechnology, laboratories, and automotive.

Over the past 27 years, Peter De Brabandere and his team have built Vivaldi Software into a leading software company in the QMS field. The software is used by small, medium and large companies and currently has users in 40 countries.

Fortino Capital is investing with the management in Bizzmine to further grow the company and expand internationally. Fortino will not only act as a sounding board for the founder and his team but will also actively support further internationalization with its expertise in growing companies. For Fortino, this is the 9th platform investment in its Growth Private Equity Fund I.

Peter De Brabandere, Founder Vivaldi Software: "The Vivaldi Software Team has built an impressive customer portfolio since 1995 with flexible, user-friendly and scalable QMS software. Together with Fortino Capital, an expert in B2B software, we are now ready for an accelerated European growth phase. I am very excited about the company’s prospects. With Fortino Capital's support, we will continue to deliver outstanding customer satisfaction."

Steven De Troyer, Partner at Fortino Capital: "The Bizzmine team has had a very good track record over the last few years. They have managed to combine their years of expertise into a modern cloud platform that is very user-friendly for their customers. This is also reflected in their commercial traction, with companies of all sizes using the Bizzmine platform to monitor their quality management on an international level. We are therefore pleased to support the company in realizing its growth plans." 


About Vivaldi Software and Bizzmine

Vivaldi Software, founded in 1995, develops software for Quality Management and Workflow. Bizzmine is the new generation of cloud and web-based software since 2018. The platform supports customers in better managing complaints, incidents, risks, documentation, audits, calibrations, improvement actions, training and so on. Vivaldi Software has a global presence through its diversified customer base in 40 countries and local offices in Europe, the US, the UK and Asia. For more information, visit


About Fortino Capital

Fortino Capital is an investment company focused on B2B software and ICT. Our mission is to help ambitious management teams realize their growth plans. We invest in young companies (venture capital) and established companies (growth capital) where growth is an integral part of the strategy. We do this both organically and through acquisitions. Fortino has offices in Belgium and the Netherlands and invests in Northwest Europe. Fortino's portfolio includes, among others, Efficy CRM, Hospitality Cloud Solutions, Cenosco, MobileXpense, Teamleader, iObeya, Salonkee and SimplyDelivery.



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